Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Charmaine sayer

My name is Charmaine but most people i know call me Charz or Charmz. I am from Milton and still live there ... in the same house too.... I like taking care of all my close friends , cooking up massive feeds and i love nature and things natural. I like being at the beach swimming (even though i don't like crabs and seaweed yuk!!) I'm interested in studying massage because I've always done it and I'd like to know how to do it properly. I want to get more into the herbal medicine and aromatherapy side of healing rather than a sports therapy type thing. I enjoy directly helping people too. in the long run after I've studied all i want to i' like to own my own herbal medicine shop and spa which includes mud baths and massages to herbal cures for sickness. (and by herbal i don't mean processed pills either i mean real herbs made into teas, rubs ect.